Traverse Research

Traverse Research is an independent research organisation dedicated to building evidence around gender identity, gender reassignment and gender variancy in the UK.

Research: We provide high quality research outputs in relation to trans people, issues and populations. We specialise in engaging with hard to reach groups, in particular trans communities, and in supporting non-trans researchers to conduct trans-positive studies. We facilitate the dissemination of research amongst trans groups.

Consultancy: We support organisations to enhance inclusion and to improve social outcomes for trans and gender variant people.

Policy: We engage with key stakeholders to identify current areas in need of knowledge enhancement.

Partnership: We work with the third and public sectors, academia and statutory bodies to achieve social impact and change.

Traverse Research was founded in 2012 in response to a vast gap in evidence relating to transgender health and wellbeing. Our aim was to improve this situation, providing high quality research to inform evidence-based practice and thus improve the healthcare landscape for transgender individuals and communities. We aim to feed into both policy and service development using our excellent National links and partnerships.

Traverse Research provides expertise specifically in relation to Transgender health, wellbeing and health inequalities, however we are driven by a passion to reduce inequalities for all minority groups and as such, our approach is not solely focussed on transgender communities.

Traverse Research is led by Dr Jay McNeil (Clinical Psychologist) and Dr Louis Bailey (Sociologist), who are both independent researchers with strong academic backgrounds in the Social Sciences.